January 02, 2008

CakePHP 1.2 beta has been released

Finally it happened ! CakePHP 1.2 beta has been released.

Some of the new stuff includes:

  • Reverse routing for array based urls
  • RESTful automagic
  • Forms are easier to create and maintain
  • Security enhancements for better CSRF prevention and HTTP Authentication
  • CookieComponent for securely storing persistent data on the client side
  • Model behaviors
  • The “with” key allows you to define a dynamic join table model
  • Pagination of model records with an extensive helper
  • Internationalization and Localization
  • Authentication component
  • Configure class to provide dynamic handling of configuration settings
  • Cache Engine (memcache, xcache, apc, model, file)
  • Console

View the rest of the changes at the bakery announcement made by PHPnut

I have been using the 1.2 branch for more than a year now, and it has been a real pleasure to see how development has moved in a very interested direction. Being in the -dev channel I have also been able to follow some of the discussions on what can stay and what can go. The result, a very clean codebase with a lot of cool features, that is very easy (and fast!) to use.

One of my personal favorites has to be the new ModelBehavior feature. Its incredible easy to work with, and makes its very easy to add new features to a already running project without having to hack your way into either Cake or App code :)

One of the few things I miss is the possibility to return a result set in Model::beforeFind – so it would be possible to create a simple cache mechanism for your query data (together with the new cache engines). Its possible, but requires a little bit of overloading of Model::find to get it to play nicely, oh well :)