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The Docker container can do some basic templating (more like variable replacement) as part of the entrypoint scripts via gomplate.

Any file in the /docker/templates/ directory will be templated and written to the proper directory.

File path examples

  1. To template /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini in the container, put the source file in /docker/templates/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini.
  2. To template /a/fantastic/example.txt in the container put the source file in /docker/templates/a/fantastic/example.txt.
  3. To template /some/path/anywhere in the container, put the source file in /docker/templates/some/path/anywhere.

Available variables

Variables available for templating are sourced (in order, so last source takes precedence) like this:

  1. env: in your compose.yaml or -e in your docker run / docker compose run commands.
  2. Any exported variables in .envsh files loaded before (e.g., any file with 04-, 03-, 02-, 01- or 00- prefix).
  3. All key and value pairs in /var/www/.env.docker (default values, you should not edit this file!)
  4. All key and value pairs in /var/www/.env.

Template guide 101

Please see the gomplate documentation for a comprehensive overview.

The most frequent use case you have is likely to print an environment variable (or a default value if it's missing), so this is how to do that:

  • {{ getenv "VAR_NAME" }} print an environment variable and fail if the variable is not set. (docs)
  • {{ getenv "VAR_NAME" "default" }} print an environment variable and print default if the variable is not set. (docs)

The script will fail if you reference a variable that does not exist (and doesn't have a default value) in a template.

Please see the