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Connect via SSH to your server and decide where you want to install Pixelfed.


In this guide, I will assume you will install Pixelfed in /data/pixelfed and that the Docker Prerequisites are met.

You can change the installation path; update the commands below to fit your setup.

Initial set up

Create the directory

mkdir -p /data

Clone the Pixelfed project

git clone /data/pixelfed

Change directory

cd /data/pixelfed

Check system requirements

The scripts/ directory has a bunch of useful helper tools, and the first one we will use is one to help check if the server and software are meeting (some) of the requirements.

Run the following command and follow the instructions (if any) on how to resolve the issues detected.


Configuration (Quick Start)

The settings file (.env) is quite large (+1.000 lines) and while most of it is documentation, and not configuration, it can still be quite daunting to read through early on in your Pixelfed journey.

Instead, let's run the included setup script that will guide us through the required (and most commonly changed) settings.


You can run this script many times, it will remember your previous answers since they are read from, and written to, the .env configuration file

Configuration (Manual)

Copy the example file

If you used the Quick Start, skip this step, otherwise your changes will be lost

Pixelfed contains a default configuration file (.env.docker) you should use as a starter; however, before editing anything, make a copy of it and put it in the right place (.env).

Run the following command to copy the file:

cp .env.docker .env

Modify config file

If you used the Quick Start, some of these steps have already been made for you

The configuration file is quite long, but the good news is that you can ignore most of it; most of the server-specific settings are configured for you out of the box.

The minimum required settings you must change is:

  • (required) APP_DOMAIN, which is the hostname you plan to run your Pixelfed server on (e.g., - must not include http:// or a trailing slash (/)!
  • (required) DB_PASSWORD, which is the database password; you can use a service like to generate a secure one.
  • (optional) ENFORCE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION should be set to "false" if you don't plan to send e-mails.
  • (optional) MAIL_DRIVER and related MAIL_* settings if you plan to use an E-mail/SMTP provider - See E-mail variables documentation.
  • (optional) PF_ENABLE_CLOUD / FILESYSTEM_CLOUD if you plan to use an Object Storage provider.

See the Configure environment variables documentation for details!

You need to mainly focus on the following sections.

You can skip the following sections since they are already configured/automated for you:

  • Redis
  • Database (except for DB_PASSWORD)
  • One-time setup tasks

Starting the service

With everything in place and (hopefully) well-configured, we can now go ahead and start our services by running:

docker compose up -d

This will download all the required Docker images, start the containers, and begin the automatic setup.

You can follow the logs by running docker compose logs - you might want to scroll to the top to logs from the start.

You can use the CLI flag --tail=100 to only see each container's most recent (100 in this example) log lines.

You can use the CLI flag --follow to continue to see log output from the containers.

You can combine --tail=100 and --follow like this docker compose logs --tail=100 --follow.

If you only care about specific containers, you can add them to the end of the command like this docker-compose logs web worker proxy.


You made it to the end of the installation tutorial and hopefully you have fully functional Pixelfed instance.

We recommend your next steps is to check out how to customize your Pixelfed instance

If anything was confusing, unclear, or maybe even wrong on this page, then please let us know by submitting a bug report ❤