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About scm-engine

What is scm-engine?

SCM Engine allow for easy Merge Request automation within your GitLab projects.

Automatically add/remove labels depending on files changes, the age of the Merge Request, who contributes, and pretty much anything else you could want.

You can even take actions such as (but not limited to) closing the Merge Request, approve it, or add a comment.

SCM engine can be run either as a regular CI job in your pipeline, or be triggered through the Webhook system, allowing for versatile and flexible deployments.

What does it look like?

Please see the Configuration Examples page for more use-cases

Please see the Configuration Options page for all options and explanations

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

# Expr-Lang
#   Language Definition:
# SCM-engine
#   Config file:
#   Variables  :
#   Functions  :
#   GitHub     :

  - name: Warn about closing the MR if there have been no commit activity for 3 weeks
    group: close_mr_lifecycle
    if: |1
      && merge_request.has_no_label("do-not-close")
      && merge_request.has_no_label("security")
      && != "renovate-bot"
      && merge_request.time_since_last_commit > duration("3w")
      && none(merge_request.notes, .body contains "scm-engine-mr-lifecycle:warn")
      - action: comment
        message: |
          <!-- scm-engine-mr-lifecycle:warn -->
          :wave: Hello!

          This Merge Request has not seen any commit activity for 3 weeks.
          We will automatically close the Merge request in 1 week to keep our project clean.

          To disable this behavior, add the `do-not-close` label to the Merge Request in the right menu or add a comment with `/label ~"do-not-close"`.

  - name: Close the MR if there have been no commit activity for 4 weeks
    group: close_mr_lifecycle
    if: |1
      && merge_request.has_no_label("do-not-close")
      && merge_request.has_no_label("security")
      && != "renovate-bot"
      && merge_request.time_since_last_commit > duration("4w")
      && none(merge_request.notes, .body contains "scm-engine-mr-lifecycle:close")
      && any(merge_request.notes, .body contains "scm-engine-mr-lifecycle:warn" && since(.created_at) > duration("1w"))
      - action: close
      - action: comment
        message: |
          <!-- scm-engine-mr-lifecycle:close -->
          :wave: Hello!

          This Merge Request has not seen any commit activity for 4 weeks.
          To keep our project clean, we will close the Merge request now.

          To disable this behavior, add the `do-not-close` label to the Merge Request in the right menu or add a comment with `/label ~"do-not-close"`.

  - name: Approve MR if the 'break-glass-approve' label is configured
    if: |1
      && not merge_request.approved
      && merge_request.has_label("break-glass-approve")
      - action: approve

      - action: comment
        message: "Approving the MR since it has the 'break-glass-approve' label. Talk to ITGC about this!"

  - name: Assign Reviewers to MR (only when MR is unassigned)
    group: assign_mr
    if: |1
      && not merge_request.approved
      - action: assign_reviewers
        source: codeowners
        limit: 1

  - name: lang/go
    color: $indigo
    script: merge_request.modified_files("*.go")

  - name: lang/markdown
    color: $indigo
    description: Modified MarkDown files
    script: merge_request.modified_files("*.md")

  - name: dependencies/go
    color: $orange
    description: Updated Go dependency files go.mod or go.sum
    script: merge_request.modified_files("go.mod", "go.sum")

  - name: type/ci
    color: $green
    description: Modified CI files
    script: merge_request.modified_files(".gitlab-ci.yml") || merge_request.modified_files("build/")

  - name: type/deployment
    color: $green
    description: Modified Deployment files
    script: merge_request.modified_files("_infrastructure/", "scripts/", "configs/")

  - name: type/documentation
    color: $green
    description: Modified Documentation files
    script: merge_request.modified_files("docs/")

  - name: type/services
    color: $green
    description: Modified pkg/services files
    script: merge_request.modified_files("internal/pkg/services")

  # NOTE: This label assume your GitLab supports scoped labels
  #       See:
  - name: go::tests::missing
    color: $red
    description: The Merge Request did NOT modify Go test files
    priority: 999
    script: not merge_request.modified_files("*_test.go") && merge_request.modified_files("*.go")

  # NOTE: This label assume your GitLab supports scoped labels
  #       See:
  - name: go::tests::OK
    color: $green
    description: The Merge Request modified Go test files
    priority: 999
    script: merge_request.modified_files("*_test.go") && merge_request.modified_files("*.go")

  # NOTE: This label assume your GitLab supports scoped labels
  #       See:
  - name: status::age::abandoned
    color: $red
    description: The most recent commit is older than 45 days
    priority: 999
    script: merge_request.time_since_last_commit > duration("45d")
    skip_if: merge_request.state in ["merged", "closed", "locked"]

  # NOTE: This label assume your GitLab supports scoped labels
  #       See:
  - name: status::age::stale
    color: $red
    description: The most recent commit is older than 30 days
    priority: 999
    script: duration("30d") < merge_request.time_since_last_commit < duration("45d")
    skip_if: merge_request.state in ["merged", "closed", "locked"]

  # NOTE: This label assume your GitLab supports scoped labels
  #       See:
  - name: status::age::old
    color: $red
    description: The most recent commit is older than 14 days
    priority: 999
    script: duration("14d") < merge_request.time_since_last_commit < duration("30d")
    skip_if: merge_request.state in ["merged", "closed", "locked"]

  # generate labels for services
  # internal/service/vault/client.go
  # =>
  # service/vault
  - strategy: generate
    description: Modified this a service directory
    color: $pink
    script: >
      | map({ filepath_dir(#) })
      | map({ trimPrefix(#, "internal/") })
      | uniq()

  # generate labels for commands
  # internal/app/my-command/subcommands/aws/login/login.go
  # =>
  # command/aws/login
  - strategy: generate
    description: Modified this my-command command
    color: $purple
    script: >
      | map({ filepath_dir(#) })
      | map({ trimPrefix(#, "internal/app/my-command/subcommands/") })
      | map({ string("command/" + #) })
      | uniq()