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Script Attributes

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Missing an attribute? The schema/gitlab.schema.graphqls file are what is used to query GitLab, adding the missing field to the right type should make it accessible. Please open an issue or Pull Request if something is missing.

The following attributes are available in script fields.

They can be accessed exactly as shown in this list.


The project the Pull Request belongs to

  • repository.allow_update_branch ; boolean. Whether or not a Pull Request head branch that is behind its base branch can always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging
  • repository.archived_at ; optional time. Identifies the date and time when the repository was archived
  • repository.auto_merge_allowed ; boolean. Whether or not Auto-merge can be enabled on Pull Requests in this repository
  • repository.created_at ; time. Identifies the date and time when the object was created
  • repository.delete_branch_on_merge ; boolean. Whether or not branches are automatically deleted when merged in this repository
  • repository.description ; optional string. The description of the repository
  • repository.has_discussions_enabled ; boolean. Indicates if the repository has the Discussions feature enabled
  • repository.has_issues_enabled ; boolean. Indicates if the repository has issues feature enabled
  • repository.has_projects_enabled ; boolean. Indicates if the repository has the Projects feature enabled
  • repository.has_wiki_enabled ; boolean. Indicates if the repository has wiki feature enabled
  • ; string. The Node ID of the Repository object
  • repository.is_archived ; boolean. Indicates if the repository is unmaintained
  • repository.is_blank_issues_enabled ; boolean. Returns true if blank issue creation is allowed
  • repository.is_disabled ; boolean. Returns whether or not this repository disabled
  • repository.is_fork ; boolean. Identifies if the repository is a fork
  • repository.is_locked ; boolean. Indicates if the repository has been locked or not
  • repository.is_mirror ; boolean. Identifies if the repository is a mirror
  • repository.is_private ; boolean. Identifies if the repository is private or internal
  • repository.is_template ; boolean. Identifies if the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories
  • repository.is_user_configuration_repository ; boolean. Is this repository a user configuration repository
  • repository.merge_commit_allowed ; boolean. Whether or not PRs are merged with a merge commit on this repository
  • ; string. The name of the repository
  • repository.name_with_owner ; string. The repository's name with owner
  • repository.pushed_at ; optional time. Identifies the date and time when the repository was last pushed to
  • repository.rebase_merge_allowed ; boolean. Whether or not rebase-merging is enabled on this repository
  • repository.resource_path ; string. The HTTP path for this repository
  • repository.squash_merge_allowed ; boolean. Whether or not squash-merging is enabled on this repository
  • repository.stargazer_count ; int. Returns a count of how many stargazers there are on this object
  • repository.updated_at ; time. Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated
  • repository.url ; string. The HTTP URL for this repository
  • repository.visibility (enum) Indicates the repository's visibility level

    The following values are valid:

    • PRIVATE The repository is visible only to those with explicit access
    • PUBLIC The repository is visible to everyone
    • INTERNAL The repository is visible only to users in the same business


The project owner

  • owner.login ; string. The username used to login


Information about the Pull Request

  • pull_request.active_lock_reason (optional enum) Reason that the conversation was locked

    The following values are valid:

    • OFF_TOPIC The issue or Pull Request was locked because the conversation was off-topic
    • TOO_HEATED The issue or Pull Request was locked because the conversation was too heated
    • RESOLVED The issue or Pull Request was locked because the conversation was resolved
    • SPAM The issue or Pull Request was locked because the conversation was spam
  • pull_request.additions ; int. The number of additions in this Pull Request

  • pull_request.base_ref_name ; string. Identifies the name of the base Ref associated with the Pull Request, even if the ref has been deleted
  • pull_request.body ; string. The body as Markdown
  • pull_request.can_be_rebased ; boolean. Whether or not the Pull Request is rebaseable
  • pull_request.changed_files ; int. The number of changed files in this Pull Request
  • pull_request.closed ; boolean. true if the Pull Request is closed
  • pull_request.closed_at ; optional time. Identifies the date and time when the object was closed
  • pull_request.created_at ; time. Identifies the date and time when the object was created
  • pull_request.created_via_email ; boolean. Check if this comment was created via an email reply
  • pull_request.deletions ; int. The number of deletions in this Pull Request
  • pull_request.head_ref_name ; string. Identifies the name of the head Ref associated with the Pull Request, even if the ref has been deleted
  • ; string. The Node ID of the PullRequest object
  • pull_request.includes_created_edit ; boolean. Check if this comment was edited and includes an edit with the creation data
  • pull_request.is_cross_repository ; boolean. The head and base repositories are different
  • pull_request.is_draft ; boolean. Identifies if the Pull Request is a draft
  • pull_request.is_in_merge_queue ; boolean. Indicates whether the Pull Request is in a merge queue
  • pull_request.is_merge_queue_enabled ; boolean. Indicates whether the Pull Request's base ref has a merge queue enabled
  • pull_request.last_edited_at ; optional time. The moment the editor made the last edit
  • pull_request.locked ; boolean. true if the Pull Request is locked
  • pull_request.maintainer_can_modify ; boolean. Indicates whether maintainers can modify the Pull Request
  • pull_request.merge_state_status (enum) Detailed information about the current Pull Request merge state status

    The following values are valid:

    • DIRTY The merge commit cannot be cleanly created
    • UNKNOWN The state cannot currently be determined
    • BLOCKED The merge is blocked
    • BEHIND The head ref is out of date
    • UNSTABLE Mergeable with non-passing commit status
    • HAS_HOOKS Mergeable with passing commit status and pre-receive hooks
    • CLEAN Mergeable and passing commit status
  • pull_request.mergeable (enum) Whether or not the Pull Request can be merged based on the existence of merge conflicts

    The following values are valid:

    • MERGEABLE The Pull Request can be merged
    • CONFLICTING The Pull Request cannot be merged due to merge conflicts
    • UNKNOWN The mergeability of the Pull Request is still being calculated
  • pull_request.merged ; boolean. Whether or not the Pull Request was merged

  • pull_request.merged_at ; optional time. The date and time that the Pull Request was merged
  • pull_request.number ; int. Identifies the Pull Request number
  • pull_request.permalink ; string. The permalink to the Pull Request
  • pull_request.published_at ; optional time. Identifies when the comment was published at
  • pull_request.resource_path ; string. The HTTP path for this Pull Request
  • pull_request.review_decision (enum) The current status of this Pull Request with respect to code review

    The following values are valid:

    • CHANGES_REQUESTED Changes have been requested on the Pull Request
    • APPROVED The Pull Request has received an approving review
    • REVIEW_REQUIRED A review is required before the Pull Request can be merged
  • pull_request.state (enum) Identifies the state of the Pull Request

    The following values are valid:

    • OPEN A Pull Request that is still open
    • CLOSED A Pull Request that has been closed without being merged
    • MERGED A Pull Request that has been closed by being merged
  • pull_request.time_between_first_and_last_commit ; optional duration. Duration between first and last commit made

  • pull_request.time_since_first_commit ; optional duration. Duration (from 'now') since the first commit was made
  • pull_request.time_since_last_commit ; optional duration. Duration (from 'now') since the last commit was made
  • pull_request.title ; string. Identifies the Pull Request title
  • pull_request.total_comments_count ; optional int. Returns a count of how many comments this Pull Request has received
  • pull_request.updated_at ; time. Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated
  • pull_request.url ; string. The HTTP URL for this Pull Request


  • pull_request.files[].additions ; int. The number of additions to the file
  • pull_request.files[].change_type (enum) How the file was changed in this PullRequest

    The following values are valid:

    • ADDED The file was added. Git status 'A'
    • DELETED The file was deleted. Git status 'D'
    • RENAMED The file was renamed. Git status 'R'
    • COPIED The file was copied. Git status 'C'
    • MODIFIED The file's contents were changed. Git status 'M'
    • CHANGED The file's type was changed. Git status 'T'
  • pull_request.files[].deletions ; int. The number of deletions to the file

  • pull_request.files[].path ; string. The path of the file


Information about the first commit made

  • pull_request.first_commit.additions ; int. The number of additions in this commit
  • pull_request.first_commit.authored_by_committer ; boolean. Check if the committer and the author match
  • pull_request.first_commit.authored_date ; time. The datetime when this commit was authored
  • pull_request.first_commit.changed_files_if_available ; optional int. The number of changed files in this commit. If GitHub is unable to calculate the number of changed files (for example due to a timeout), this will return null. We recommend using this field instead of changedFiles
  • pull_request.first_commit.commit_resource_path ; string. The HTTP path for this Git object
  • pull_request.first_commit.commit_url ; string. The HTTP URL for this Git object
  • pull_request.first_commit.committed_date ; time. The datetime when this commit was committed
  • pull_request.first_commit.committed_via_web ; boolean. Check if committed via GitHub web UI
  • pull_request.first_commit.deletions ; int. The number of deletions in this commit
  • pull_request.first_commit.message ; string. The Git commit message
  • pull_request.first_commit.message_body ; string. The Git commit message body
  • pull_request.first_commit.message_headline ; string. The Git commit message headline
  • pull_request.first_commit.url ; string. The HTTP URL for this commit

Authorship details of the commit

  • ; optional time. The timestamp of the Git action (authoring or committing)
  • ; optional string. The email in the Git commit
  • ; optional string. The name in the Git commit

The GitHub user corresponding to the email field. Null if no such user exists

  • ; string. The username used to login


Committer details of the commit

  • ; optional time. The timestamp of the Git action (authoring or committing)
  • ; optional string. The email in the Git commit
  • ; optional string. The name in the Git commit

The GitHub user corresponding to the email field. Null if no such user exists

  • pull_request.first_commit.committer.user.login ; string. The username used to login


Information about the last commit made

  • pull_request.last_commit.additions ; int. The number of additions in this commit
  • pull_request.last_commit.authored_by_committer ; boolean. Check if the committer and the author match
  • pull_request.last_commit.authored_date ; time. The datetime when this commit was authored
  • pull_request.last_commit.changed_files_if_available ; optional int. The number of changed files in this commit. If GitHub is unable to calculate the number of changed files (for example due to a timeout), this will return null. We recommend using this field instead of changedFiles
  • pull_request.last_commit.commit_resource_path ; string. The HTTP path for this Git object
  • pull_request.last_commit.commit_url ; string. The HTTP URL for this Git object
  • pull_request.last_commit.committed_date ; time. The datetime when this commit was committed
  • pull_request.last_commit.committed_via_web ; boolean. Check if committed via GitHub web UI
  • pull_request.last_commit.deletions ; int. The number of deletions in this commit
  • pull_request.last_commit.message ; string. The Git commit message
  • pull_request.last_commit.message_body ; string. The Git commit message body
  • pull_request.last_commit.message_headline ; string. The Git commit message headline
  • pull_request.last_commit.url ; string. The HTTP URL for this commit

Authorship details of the commit

  • ; optional time. The timestamp of the Git action (authoring or committing)
  • ; optional string. The email in the Git commit
  • ; optional string. The name in the Git commit

The GitHub user corresponding to the email field. Null if no such user exists

  • ; string. The username used to login


Committer details of the commit

  • ; optional time. The timestamp of the Git action (authoring or committing)
  • ; optional string. The email in the Git commit
  • ; optional string. The name in the Git commit

The GitHub user corresponding to the email field. Null if no such user exists

  • pull_request.last_commit.committer.user.login ; string. The username used to login


The actor who merged the Pull Request

  • pull_request.merged_by.login ; string. The username used to login

The actor who authored the comment

  • ; string. The username used to login


Labels available on this project

  • pull_request.labels[].color ; string. Identifies the label color
  • pull_request.labels[].created_at ; optional time. Identifies the date and time when the label was created
  • pull_request.labels[].description ; optional string. A brief description of this label
  • pull_request.labels[].id ; string. The Node ID of the Label object
  • pull_request.labels[].is_default ; boolean. Indicates whether or not this is a default label
  • pull_request.labels[].name ; string. Identifies the label name
  • pull_request.labels[].updated_at ; time. Identifies the date and time when the label was last updated


Get information about current user

  • viewer.login ; string. The username used to login


webhook_event attribute is only available in server mode

You have access to the raw webhook event payload via webhook_event.* attributes (not listed below) in Expr script fields when using server mode.

See the GitLab Webhook Events documentation for available fields.

The attributes are named exactly as documented in the GitLab documentation.

  • Comments - A comment is made or edited on an issue or merge request.
  • Merge request events - A merge request is created, updated, or merged.