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A quick demo of what SCM Engine can do.

The script field is a expr-lang expression, a safe, fast, and intuitive expression evaluator.

Close Merge Requests without recent activity

This example will close a Merge Request if no activity has happened for 28 days.

The script will warn at 21 days mark that the Merge Request will be closed, with instructions on how to prevent it.

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

  - name: "stale" # (1)!
    color: $red # (11)!
    script: |1 # (2)!
        && merge_request.has_no_label("do-not-close")
        && merge_request.has_no_user_activity_within("21d")

  - name: "warn" #(5)!
    if: |1 # (3)!
        && merge_request.has_no_label("stale")
        && merge_request.has_no_label("do-not-close")
        && merge_request.has_no_user_activity_within("21d")
      - action: add_label # (6)!
        name: stale

      - action: comment # (9)!
        message: |
          :wave: Hello!

          This MR has not seen any commit activity for 21 days.
          We will automatically close the MR after 28 days.

          To disable this behavior, add the `do-not-close` label to the
          MR in the right menu or add comment with `/label ~"do-not-close"`

  - name: "close" # (10)!
    if: |1 # (4)!
        && merge_request.has_label("stale")
        && merge_request.has_no_label("do-not-close")
        && merge_request.has_no_activity_within("7d")

      - action: close # (8)!

      - action: comment # (7)!
        message: |
          :wave: Hello!

          This MR has not seen any commit activity for 28 days.
          To keep our project clean, we will close the Merge request now.

          To disable this behavior, add the `do-not-close` label to the
          MR in the right menu or add comment with `/label ~"do-not-close"`
  1. Add the label stale to MRs without activity in the last 21 days.

    The stale label will automatically be removed if any activity happens on the MR.

  2. Syntax highlighted script

    && merge_request.has_no_label("do-not-close")
    && merge_request.has_no_user_activity_within("21d")
  3. Syntax highlighted if

    && merge_request.has_no_label("stale")
    && merge_request.has_no_label("do-not-close")
    && merge_request.has_no_user_activity_within("21d")
  4. Syntax highlighted if

    && merge_request.has_label("stale")
    && merge_request.has_no_label("do-not-close")
    && merge_request.has_no_activity_within("7d")
  5. Send "warning" about the MR being inactive

  6. Add the stale label to the MR (if it doesn't exists)
  7. Add a comment to the MR
  8. Close the MR
  9. Add a comment to the MR
  10. Close the MR if no activity has happened after 7 days.

    Why 7 days?

    The merge_request.updated_at updated when we commented and added the stale label at the 21 day mark.

    So instead we count 7 days from that point in time for the close step.

  11. You can use Twitter Bootstrap color variables instead of HEX values.

Add label if a file extension is modified

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

  - name: lang/go
    color: $indigo
    script: merge_request.modified_files("*.go")

  - name: lang/markdown
    color: $indigo
    script: merge_request.modified_files("*.md")

  - name: type/documentation
    color: $green
    script: merge_request.modified_files("docs/")

  - name: go::tests::missing
    color: $red
    priority: 999
    script: |1
      && NOT merge_request.modified_files("*_test.go")

  - name: go::tests::ok
    color: $green
    priority: 999
    script: |1
      && merge_request.modified_files("*_test.go")

Generate labels via script

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

  # Generate list of labels via script
  - strategy: generate
    # With a description (optional)
    description: "Modified this service directory"
    # With the color $pink
    color: "$pink"
    # From this script, returning a list of labels
    script: >
      /* Generate a list of files changed in the MR inside pkg/service/ */

      /* Remove the filename from the path
        pkg/service/example/file.go => pkg/service/example */
      | map({ filepath_dir(#) })

      /* Remove the prefix "pkg/" from the path
         pkg/service/example => service/example */
      | map({ trimPrefix(#, "pkg/") })

      /* Remove duplicate values from the output */
      | uniq()
/* Generate a list of files changed in the MR inside pkg/service/ */

/* Remove the filename from the path
 * pkg/service/example/file.go => pkg/service/example
| map({ filepath_dir(#) })

/* Remove the prefix "pkg/" from the path
 * pkg/service/example => service/example
| map({ trimPrefix(#, "pkg/") })

/* Remove duplicate values from the output */
| uniq()